33000 Interstate Highway 10 West
Boerne, TX 78006
Boerne, TX 78006
For directions from Google Maps, click on the “Directions” button within the map and fill in your address. Below the map we have attached some driving directions as well for your convenience.
Alamo Fiesta is on the northwest side of San Antonio, approximately 10 miles from the outer Loop (1604) toward Kerrville on InterState Highway 10.
East Bound toward San Antonio on IH-10: From Interstate 10 East bound, take exit #543. At the traffic light, turn left and go under IH-10, and IMMEDIATELY left again at that traffic light. Stay on the West bound access road alongside IH-10 (now returning in the direction from which you came), go 1 mile from the traffic light to the Alamo Fiesta entrance on the right. Our entrance is on the access road.
There is a large billboard with “RV” in big black letters in the front of the property.
West Bound from San Antonio on IH-10: From Interstate 10, going away from San Antonio toward California, take exit #543. The exit forks, take the hard right of the fork directly onto the access road. Turn right (heading back toward San Antonio) to the Alamo Fiesta entrance which is about 100 yards on the left. Our entrance is on the access road.
There is a large billboard with “RV” in big black letters in the front of the property.
(If you need additional directions, call: 830.249.4700, or 1.800.321.2267)
To send us a message, please fill out the form below and we will respond to your message shortly. You can also find the contact information for the park to the right of the contact form.
If you prefer to use your own email software to email us, just email us at: alamofiestarvs (at sign) gmail.com
replacing the ” (at sign) ” with a @ in the normal email address format (no spaces, parentheses, or ” marks). For example, in the format: abc@abcrv.com
Apology for any inconvenience, but this is to protect us from email address reading web bots that harvest email addresses in order to send spam.
Alamo Fiesta RV Resort © 2018 All rights reserved